Tuesday, February 16, 2010

delightful delivery :)

im pretty sure i have the flu. im totally broke. my car needs gas - again. both of my exbfs felt it necessary to contact me this weekend. i had to ride the whole way to school with a dead ipod and corny talk radio. im at the beginning of another school week. i got three hours of sleep last night. i am currently in possession of a curling iron that heats up when it wants to. and my lips are chapped. i hate when my lips are chapped.

but lets put things into perspective. how bad can your day really be . . . when at noon, you get a call from the front office saying theres a delivery for you. and instead of the five literature textbooks you ordered last week and have been expecting, you get these?
little blurry. terrible at taking bberry pictures. and obvi my sister k "likes it." but in case youre wondering, theyre the size and weight of max when he was two. and gorgeous. now, wouldnt it be fab if i could get a surprise like this everyday? sure. but then it wouldnt be so special. so for now, ill just sit back and enjoy it. wonder what comes next. and maaaybe stare at them til i fall asleep!

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