Monday, October 1, 2012

up for the challenge?

my best friend (in life and in blog world) h juuust about had me convinced to try a monthly photo challenge in august. then i realized its my craziest busiest downright most stressful month of the year. so i put it off. well, a little birdie via email told me its time! and honestly, im settling into a relaxed if somewhat military-esque (and yes i know thats an oxymoron) routine at school, my student teacher is doing his thang, and my grad teacher is on temporary hiatus from her everyday life on mars. and i thoroughly enjoyed blogging daily thankful notes during the month of november last year and little something good's in may. it truly is those mini-moments that make you appreciate the day. so im giving it a try. im uber jealous of this woman's blog and her knack for taking creative pictures. im also more than impressed with everyone and their fancy use of instagram. so maybe ill be a whiz by the time this is done. here's the list:

i think im going to have to stretchhh some of these, especially todays considering its 8pm and im not longer standing, nor do i plan on leaving my bed. id like to think of it as creative interpretation, not cheating. let me know if i fall too far off the wagon.

day1: where i stood
ok, so i didnt stand in all of those today. but i have. and i will again. and to be fair, i tried on three pairs before deciding on the ones i actually wore. whatever. ive never been one to interpret the rules exactly as theyre written. 

until tomorrow... when i must photograph my lunch. which means ill have to sit down for long enough to eat lunch for once. thats a challenge in itself! 

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