if kids are out of uniform, theyre sent to the office and placed in in-school suspension for the day. on days like today, its a little more difficult. case in point - a student who came in wearing this shirt:
whats a girl to do? laugh. its all i could do. and show it to a colleague with a similar sense of humor - and distorted level of sanity with testing right around the corner. and with my mind wandering, i started to think of things i do every damn day. the good, the bad and the ugly. so in the spirit of things, here it is.
every damn day i . . .
bite my nails. drink water. laugh with my students. look at my planner. read emails. open a window. listen to music and sing. check facebook and hollie. have a snack. think about a loser (or two). grade papers. read out loud. talk to my parents. send/receive text messages. deal with stress. walk. make my bed. put on mascara. miss someone. eat alot. use hand sanitizer. think deeply about something. update my summer countdown. smile. see my sister. gossip. fuss with my bangs. correct a student's behavior. ask questions. make jokes that my students dont think are funny. get dressed. raise my voice. dance in the car. wear a bracelet. watch tv. learn something new. lose my pen. say the pledge of allegiance. drive. wish it was warmer. sleep.
ahhh sleep. sounds nice right about now :)
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